I was having one of those long meandering thinks last night. I was thinking about masks (surgical and otherwise) and isn’t it great how people adapt, make their own and that local industry is getting a go.
It also got me thinking about the textile industry in places like India which have been unceremoniously dumped by (fast and no so fast) fashion and the lockdown. Do we have a moral/social obligation to continue buying from these places if they adapt, and rather than filling racks at Primark, start producing masks (possibly still for Primark). I am inclined to think we do, particularly when they are only getting limited help from their governments. I read an article which said that big shifts in fashion historically haven’t come from the runway but rather seismic events like war, industrialisation... and pandemics. ‘The effects ripple through the supply chains, the economy, social behaviour and daily life, often accelerating and normalising changes already underway.’ Vicas Chachra Hopefully this means consumers being more aware of where products are from, how sustainable they are and how (and if) they are disposed. 💚🌍🌳🌏🌱🌍🌿 The last stop on my mind meander was finding companies who are making masks with clear panels to facilitate lip reading. 👏👏👏 I also think it would help humanise a doctor for a patient who cannot touch another human when seriously ill. I drew and wrote this straight after a coffee.
'So this is what ambivalence feels like. Very excited to have a take away coffee for the first time in over a month. But feeling bad about using a take away cup for the first time in ages. But feeling good that I am not infecting the barista. But feeling bad that I'm spending money on something frivolous while on benefits (don't tell the Tories). But feeling good that I'm supporting local business. ' Clearly coffee from a shop is WAY stronger than the stuff I make at home. All dressed up and nowhere to go?
I'll give you a ride if you protect me from Octopus! What a deal. Mutualism at it finest and looking its finest. I think that it is all about the Crab's penchant for fabulous. outfits. I'm enjoying bathing in the golden sunset light in my room. These long summer days..... I think that this justifies a re-draw. As someone with Asthma I have thought a lot about the formation of lungs. repetitive drawing is sometimes like a meditation for me. I wasn't sure where this was going at first but it quickly revealed itself.
Still writing March instead of April. Drinking coffee in the early morning light I am dreaming of alternate realities.
I also just realised that I have regressed to March.... This was drawn on April 11. First you were known for being the most trafficked animal on the planet. Now you are blamed for spreading COVID-19. Sorry. It's not you, It's us.
I usually think about things like reversing text for a print. Rookie mistake. I guess I'll never make that mistake again....
Listening to all the people chipping in through innovation. I am in awe of the people using their skills to help, 3D printing valves for ventilators. Amazing.
This is the most useful thing that I could think of. |
BrigidDuring lockdown, like a lot of us, I have been consuming a lot of media. Mainly radio. As I listen I draw. Trying to rationalise, escape, compute and calm myself. ArchivesCategories |